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Difference between Ice and Snow

No doubt, ice and snow are two different forms of water. Most people consider that these two forms of water are identical. They are wrong because there is a difference between ice and snow. Ice and snow both have different methods of formation. Anyhow, the only thing that is common in ice and snow is that they are formed from the water. Both ice and snow require a cool atmosphere for the creation. We can see different forms of ice. These different forms of ice are ice cubes and frost etc. On the other hand, snow can exist just in the form of snowflakes.

What is Ice?

We use the word ‘Ice’ for the solid form of water. We call it ice without thinking about its formation. According to this concept, frost is ice. Ice cubes are another form of ice. We can also call snow as ice because it is a solid form of water. The ice forms due to the cool frozen winds. These cool frozen winds concert the water in the form of ice. Some natural processes are becoming the cause of the formation of ice. Anyhow, we can also form ice by using artificial methods. For example, we use the refrigerator to form ice in our homes. After making ice in the refrigerators, we use it to quench our thirst. We can also use ice blocks to keep things cool.

What is Snow?

The frozen precipitations of water consist of hexagonal symmetrical ice structures in the form of white and soft flakes from snow. The method of formation of snow is natural. It forms due to the effect of seasonal and climate conditions. That’s why we can say that snow falls on the earth as a consequence of some climatic conditions. It is a natural process that snow falls on the earth in the winter. It is found in the form of frozen atmospheric vapors of water. As we have discussed earlier that to form ice artificially, we can use our refrigerator. Anyhow, we can’t form snow artificially by using the refrigerator. Its reason is that we can’t create specific climatic conditions and seasonal changes to form snow.

Difference between Ice and Snow

After reading the definitions of ice and snow, you can easily understand the difference between ice and snow. Here, we will discuss these differences. You may also like to read about floating dead bodies of water.

Difference between Ice and Snow

1. Difference between Definitions of Ice and Snow

There is a clear difference between their definitions. If we have a frozen form of water, we call it ice. On the other hand, snow is present in the form of frozen atmospheric vapors.

2. Difference between Methods of Formation of Ice and Snow

They have different methods of formation. The cool frozen wind forms the ice. It is the natural process to form ice. We can also form ice by using the refrigerator. It is an artificial way to form ice. The snow is formed as a result of a natural process. Some specific seasonal and climatic conditions become the cause of the formation of snow. Anyhow, we can also form snow by using artificial methods. The problem with the artificial snow is that it becomes icy after some time. In the case of natural snow, you will not face this problem. Moreover, artificial snow is less fluffy than real snow.

3. Artificial Creation

We can create ice artificially by using the refrigerator. Artificial ice is just similar to natural ice. On the other hand, we can’t create the artificial snow just like the real snow.

4. Food and Beverages

We can use ice to cool beverages. We are using ice to cool fruit juices and cold drinks in real life. By using ice, we can also make some food items. Popsicles are the best example of these food items. We can also use the shaved ice to prepare the snow cones and snow ice. On the other hand, we can’t use snow to create food items.

5. Recreational Activities

We can also use them in different kinds of recreational activities. We can use the ice to play ice skating. On the other hand, by using snow, we can make snowboarding. It is also helpful for us in some fun activities. For example, we use snow to form snowmen.

6. Made Form

To form something, we require raw materials. The raw material of both snow and ice is water. That’s why we can say that it is the similarity between snow and ice rather than the difference.

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